Breaking News: Jaundice Baby…Home Phototherapy…Safe & Easy
Neonatal jaundice is common among newborn babies. It usually occurs when a baby’s liver is…
Neonatal jaundice is common among newborn babies. It usually occurs when a baby’s liver is…
新生嬰兒的肝臟因未發育成熟,未能迅速處理過多的膽紅素,並且積存體內,形成生理性黃疸。本港每10個新生嬰兒中,就有6至8個有黃疸。 黃疸一般在嬰兒出生後第2至3天出現,高峰期為出生後5至7天。黃疸大致分為生理性及病理性,前者只需觀察或照燈治療便可,後者要對症治療。向來治療黃疸須住院接受光療,即是俗稱的照燈。現時香港已引入了家居照燈,不但避免住院的交叉感染風險,特别是現在冠狀病毒仍然肆虐,而且費用較私家醫院收費便宜,亦可減少「母子分離」的時間,不妨礙餵哺母乳,間接地減低了產後情緒波動甚至抑鬱的情況。
Good afternoon! If typhoon signal no.8 or above is still in force after 4:00pm, our…
Our website is now on. It helps us to communicate better with the community and…
Good morning Since typhoon signal 8 is hoisted. Our morning clinic session is suspended. The…